Ammonia Awareness
About this course:
This course has been developed with reference to the Refrigeration Industry Board (RIB) to reflect the standards of BSEN 378 (Safety Aspects in the Design, Construction, and Installation of Refrigerating Appliances). It is suitable for personnel responsible for day-to-day management and basic maintenance on Ammonia installations. This course does not include practical activities involving handling Ammonia. Click on the link if you require certification for Ammonia Handling training.
Duration: 1 day

Course Aims
On completion of this course delegates should be able to:
- Understand the fundamental characteristics of Ammonia
- Appreciate the physical properties of Ammonia
- Be aware of site emergency plans
- Appreciate the purpose of risk assessment, method statements and work permits
- Appreciate the personal protective equipment required for working with Ammonia
- Be aware of the environmental protection act
- Appreciate work activities associated with charging, recovery, oil drain and leak detection
- Understand the basic refrigeration system
- Carry out the dangerous substances and explosive atmosphere regulations (DSEAR/ATEX) 2002 self-assessment checklist for ammonia systems applicable to site installations
Candidates will not be required to complete an on-line examination or assessment on this course.
The course will include classroom presentation and plant familiarisation. All underpinning knowledge will be supported by a comprehensive workbook issued to each delegate.
This course is best delivered on site where access to an ammonia installation is available. The maximum number of delegates is 12.
Upcoming dates:
Please contact us using the link below for training course dates and costs.
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